100 Club Membership Renewal

The Charity is grateful to all those supportors who have contributed to our 100 Club.  The membership is £10 for the year and the proceeds help us to keep the Hall running throughout the year.   We’ve been lucky to have over 200 generous members.  There is a draw four times a year with prizes of £100, £50 and £25 to the lucky winners.   The 100 Club runs from 1st April for 12 months. If you haven’t already become a member then please contact the Hall Manager, Martin, for details.  A huge thank you to all those who have already renewed their membership or joined for the first time.

Bowling Green Volunteers out in force

Volunteers were out preparing the bowling green for the 2024 season.  This game has become very popular with people of all ages.  It’s entertaining, social, and skillful, and provides gentle and healthy exercise with a touch of competition.  New members are always welcome.  Just get in touch with Martin, the Hall Manager, if you’re interested in knowing more about playing bowls.  There is also a flourishing indoor short mat bowls group in the Hall.

Local popular band “Simple Things” in Concert

The talented and popular local band Simple Things will be performing in the Hall on Sunday 31st March 2024 at 5.00pm following the Pub Quiz.   Entry is only £6.00 and the bar will be open throughout the concert.  It should be a fun event and plenty of space to get up and dance to the music.

Pub Quiz Night

Come and test your knowledge at the Pub Quiz Night on Sunday 31st March 2024 in the Hall at 2.30pm.  Entry is only £2.50 per person and refreshments will be available.  Prizes for the winning teams.  It promises to be an enjoyable social gathering.

NPT Council 3rd Sector Grant

The Charity is grateful once more to Neath Port Talbot Council for a grant from the Third Sector Grant Scheme to help us cover some of the essential running costs of the Hall for the next 12 months. The grant is invaluable in helping to maintain the many activities and services that the Hall provides for the community.



Shared Prosperity Fund – UK Government Grant

The Charity was successful in applying for a SPF UK Government grant through Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Service to refurbish the lounge area in the Hall.  The work will include new flooring, furniture, and reupholstering of the bench seating.  The room hasn’t had an uplift since the Hall was opened in 2003. The Charity was also successful in having an SPF UK grant through Neath Port Talbot Council to upgrade the central heating boiler, renew the security and fire alarm system, and clean and paint the front and one side of the Centre.

What’s On

The ManicPhonics Experience.  30th April 2023. Tickets £6. On sale in the Hall.  Limited numbers. Book early.

Ed Sheeran Tribute. 3rd June 2023. Tickets £5. On sale in the Hall.  Limited numbers. Book early.

Queen’s Award Presentation

Our chair, Moira Thomas, receiving the engraved domed crystal Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service  from Mrs Louise Fleet, HM Lord Lieutenant of West Glamorgan, at a ceremony in the Hall on 28th October 2022.  A certificate signed by the late Queen Elizabeth II was also presented to the Hall for its charitable work.

Hall receives the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in the Jubilee Honours List

The Hall is honoured to receive The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, which is the highest honour bestowed on voluntary organisations in the UK.  It was awarded to the Hall for its remarkable contribution to community life in Cwmllynfell and the surrounding area.  The Hall was also recognised for its work during the Covid pandemic when many other organisations closed down.  It’s a well-deserved award for staff, trustees and volunteers.